A Novel Approach to Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Choosing Coastal Vulnerability Index Parameters
*Teaching Assistant, Civil Engg Department.NIT Agartala
**Professor,Civil Engg Department.NIT Agartala
***Assistant Professor,Civil Engg Department.NIT Agartala
****Assistant Professor,Civil Engg Department.NIT Agartala
*****Associate Professor,Civil Engg Department.NIT Agartala
Since it is estimated that 60% of people on Earth live near the coast, it should come as no surprise that issues are most common there as a result of unrestrained development and irresponsible use of coastal resources. By identifying coastal vulnerability and taking coastal values and dangers into account, vulnerability assessment studies help to promote the sustainable use of coastal resources. Multi-parameter indices, such as the Coastal Vulnerability Index, are typically used in these kinds of investigations. Based on the relative contributions and interactions of risk variables, vulnerabilities are categorized. The method's accuracy and dependability are governed by the significance of these characteristics and how logically they are represented in the index. Nevertheless, the current approaches ignore this disparity in relevance and instead assess the dependent elements' importance based on the decider's decision-making process, which is then incorporated into the Coastal Vulnerability Index. Because of this, the current coastal risk index is frequently inaccurate and changes as decision makers do. Even though very few research tried to apply MCDM to address this issue and remove bias from the system, the overlapping error and uneven comparison technique caused the decision to be made incorrectly. In order to grade the parameters and finally propose a novel index to represent coastal vulnerability, the current inquiry attempts to determine the most important parameters of coastal vulnerability. It does this by developing a new multi-criteria decision-making process. One new approach to the decision-making process is to estimate the cumulative relevance of the chosen elements in relation to sustainability criteria by taking into account the inverse probability of the pairwise comparison.
Multi-Criteria Decision Making,Coastal Vulnerability Index,Vulnerabilities